Congress To Honor Capitol Police And D.C. Police With Gold Medals

Congress will honor the entire Capitol Police force and the D.C. police with Congressional Gold Medals for their work during the deadly Jan.6 domestic terrorist attack.

The final vote in the House on Tuesday was 406-21, with all 21 votes being from Republican lawmakers.

“Let us give them all the honor and recognition they so justly deserve,” Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, said.

The lawmakers believe that it is important to honor the collective heroism rather than one officer.

Four Gold Medals will be created. One for the Capitol Police headquarters, one for D.C. Police Department, one for the Smithsonian Institute, and one for the Capitol building.

“January 6th was one of the darkest days in the history of our democracy, but because of the courage of the Capitol Police and other law enforcement officers, it will also be etched in history as a day of heroism,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “Doing so is a high honor, and it is also our responsibility: to ensure that we always remember these heroes and their valor and sacrifice.”

Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman was set to receive a solo medal for his bravery during the capitol riot, but some congress members felt that the honor should be extended beyond one officer.

“There were a lot of heroic people, including Officer Goodman,” Senator Amy Klobuchar said.

Officer Goodman was captured on video speaking to the predominately White rioters inside of the Capitol building.

“If not for the quick thinking and bravery of Officer Eugene Goodman, in particular, people in this chamber may not have escaped that day unharmed,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

According to The Washington Post, one officer died, and 140 others were injured during the siege of the Capitol.

D.C. police officer Michael Fanone suffered a mild heart attack and a concussion after being dragged down the steps, shocked with a stun gun, and beaten.

About RavenH

Raven Haywood is a journalist for 10+ years. Graduate from Howard University.

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