Opinion: We Cant Trust Kelly Loeffler

Last year, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp settled on Kelly Loeffler as his choice for the U.S. Senator after Republican Senator Johnny Isakson resigned for health reasons. The decision soon became a regret amongst some in the GOP. The party is rapidly losing control. Following the 2020 Presidential election, Georiga officially became a blue state.

Loeffler appeared to be a cookie-cutter politician. The co-owner of the Atlanta Dream WNBA franchise is a Catholic woman with a rich husband. She has worked with several charity organizations. Loeffler painted an illusion of being more relatable and trustworthy than other Republicans.

With just one year in,  Loeffler’s political career has been a nightmare. She and her husband have been accused of insider trading by Georgia Representative Doug Collins and the Department of Justice filed an inquiry into her stock trades.

The senator recently came under fire for being photographed with a well known KKK Leader.  President Donald Trump has adamantly expressed his opposition to her position in the senate, although Loeffler has sided with Trump in his claims of election fraud.



Loeffler’s close friend Marjorie Taylor Greene has also made several statements supporting Trump’s election fraud claims. ” Every “Republican” that isn’t fighting for @realDonaldTrump’s 2020 landslide victory is helping the Chinese Communist Party takeover of America,” she tweeted.

The Nightmare Continues

The GOP Senator isn’t the ideal candidate for citizens looking to end America’s divide. Her Democratic opponent is Reverand Raphael Warnock, a black man. Perhaps this is what lead to her recent actions and vicious attack on Black Lives Matter.

Her harsh criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement has run afoul of a longstanding convention in her adopted hometown, sometimes referred to as the Atlanta Way, in which the white corporate class has cultivated a level of solidarity with the city’s African-American leaders and civil rights movement.” the New York Times said.

Loeffler shocked voters yet again by running extremely distasteful ads against Warnock. The catholic woman is now using propaganda to manipulate several of the Reverend’s old sermons. Out of pure desperation, she has made an unnecessary mockery of religion.

The January 5 general-election runoff is just as significant as the presidential election. Results will determine who will control the senate. Poli Alert urges all residents of Georiga to go out and vote.



About Tay

Nataé Robinson, Also Known as Queen Tay or Tay Yonce is an Pan Afrikan Journalist From NYC. Nataé Pledges to re-write America’s narrative for the betterment of its citizens.

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