How Much Do Our Votes Matter? Electors Left To Decide America’s Fate

President Donald Trump still refuses to concede to Joe Biden. His failed 2020 presidential campaign caused a major national security threat leaving 10% of the nation’s high-ranking officials with COVID-19.

All votes were certified in the District of Columbia and our 50 states by December 11. However, Trump’s hissyfit has significantly hindered the acceptance of our new president. The parties will meet on Monday to cast their ballots for President and Vice President.

Congress will count the ballots in Washington on January 6. The votes will be the final step in confirming who the United States President will be. American hasn’t seen a significant overhaul since the 1870s.

Here’s What You Need To Know:

Why is Monday, December 14, Significant?

According to the Constitution, electors select the president and vice president. US law states that electors can settle vote disputes after Election Day on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.

Who are these electors?

State parties choose electors in the spring and summer. Each state is responsible for preparing Certificates Of Ascertainment. The document will display election results and the slate of electors. Members of the Electoral College hold the Constitutional freedom to select candidates regardless of who won their state.

What Will Happen On Monday?

The electors are responsible for recording their votes. They will then each sign six copies of a Certificate of the Vote, which will be posted by The National Archives.

How will the six copies be distributed?

Each state’s Secretary of State and National Archives and Records Administration will receive two copies. The presiding judge in the district where the electors meet will also receive a copy. The US Senate will receive the final document.

What happens next?

The USPS is required to deliver the certificates of the vote to the Senate by December 23. On January 6 congress will meet and count the electoral votes in a joint session of at 1 p.m. ET. The president of the Senate — in this case Vice President Mike Pence — will then formally announce the winners. On January 20th, the new President, Joe Biden, will be sworn in.

About Tay

Nataé Robinson, Also Known as Queen Tay or Tay Yonce is an Pan Afrikan Journalist From NYC. Nataé Pledges to re-write America’s narrative for the betterment of its citizens.

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