President Biden To Pick Nurse Susan Orsega As Surgeon General

According to reports from the Washington Post, nurse Susan Orsega will be chosen to serve as the U.S. Surgeon General. Orsega, who works in the US Public Health Service Corps and is an infectious disease specialist, will be among the first nurses to serve as surgeon general.

“The committee is ready to go with an aggressive scheduling of hearings once we organize, with nominations being a top priority,” Madeleine Russak, a spokesperson for the Senate Health. Education, Labor and Pensions committee, said.

Ortega won’t be the first nurse to act as surgeon general. In 2017, former President Donald Trump selected Sylvia TrentAdams to serve as surgeon general.

The role of a surgeon general is important. The surgeon general leads the US Public Health Service, directing over 6,000 public health employees, and acts as a spokesperson on public health issues.

According to the Independent, the Department of Health and Human Services is expecting an official announcement to be made sometime this week.

About RavenH

Raven Haywood is a journalist for 10+ years. Graduate from Howard University.

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