DNC To Invest $25 Million In the ‘I Will Vote’ Initiative

Vice President Kamala Harris announced on Thursday at Howard University that the Democratic National Committee(DNC) is investing $25 million into the “I Will Vote” initiative.

I want to make clear that this is about all voters. It’s about all voters. This is not about Democrats or Republicans — it’s about Americans, let’s be clear about that,” Vice President Harris said. “We want to help to make sure your vote is counted, and this is because our democracy is strongest when everyone participates, and… our democracy as a nation is weaker when people are left out.”

President Joe Biden selected Vice President Harris to power the administration’s efforts to protect voting rights for all Americans.

“Folks, it is never too early to defend your rights,” the Vice President said. “With these new laws that have been passed, or they’re trying to, we have to start now to finish strong.”

“This campaign is grounded in the firm belief that everyone’s vote matters — that your vote matters.”

“Your vote is your power. And so I say, don’t let anybody ever take your power from you… especially that power of your voice. We will not let anyone take away our power, and that’s why we are all here together today. We’re not gonna let that happen.”

Republican-led states are working overtime to pass restrictive voting legislation. Democrats and activists believe that the laws will limit access for Black and Brown people to vote.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, seventeen states have enacted twenty-eight new voting laws to restrict access.

Republicans say their aim is to create a fair election process based on integrity. The Republican National Committee (RNC) believes that Democrats are manipulating voters to sustain their own interests.

“In a desperate effort to push their federal takeover of elections, Democrats continue to lie to the American people. Democrats refuse to join Republicans in supporting common-sense policies like voter ID because their sole agenda is more power and partisan control,” Danielle Álvarez, RNC Communications Director, said.

Last week, the Supreme Court decided in a 6-3 vote that two provisions of an Arizona voting law did not violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Under the Supreme Court ruling, minorities will have difficulty challenging discriminatory laws under the historic Voting Rights Act. The two provisions of the Arizona law calls for votes that are cast at the wrong precinct to be discarded, and the law limits “ballot collection.”

“Neither Arizona’s out-of-precinct rule nor its ballot-collection law violates 2 of the VRA,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the majority opinion. “Arizona’s out-of-precinct rule enforces the requirement that voters who choose to vote in person on election day must do so in their assigned precincts. Having to identify one’s own polling place and then travel there to vote does not exceed the usual burdens of voting.”
The $25 million investment by the DNC will help register voters, voting accessibility, voting education through advertising, and defend legal challenges to the election results.

“Republicans know that their policies are unpopular — and that the only way for them to hold on to power is to attack the constitutional right to vote, held by the people they swore to serve. That’s why the Republican Party has made unprecedented efforts to keep people from voting,” Harris said. “I’ve said time and again that the ‘D’ in Democrat stands for deliver, and today we are delivering innovative and historic resources to protect this fundamental part of our democracy.”

“In Congress, we are working to pass two bills into law that would protect and strengthen voting rights. And there is another important component of our work together, and that is mobilizing to ensure Americans vote in the elections coming up ahead.”


About RavenH

Raven Haywood is a journalist for 10+ years. Graduate from Howard University.

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