Republican Attorney Generals Helped Organize Attack On The Capitol

A group led by Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr called on President Donald Trump supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol on January 6th to “stop the steal,” which resulted in the deadly Electoral College Riot.

What initially was believed to be a spontaneous suggestion by an unhinged president grasping for power is slowly being revealed to be a coordinated insurrectionist act. The Rule of Law Defense Fund an arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association that Carr leads, not only helped organize the rally, they also sent robocalls the day before urging supporters to march on the Capitol.

RAGA is a 527 political organization that helps elect Republican attorneys general and can accept unlimited contributions from wealthy individuals and corporations. Political nonprofits such as RAGA are under no legal obligation to disclose their donors. When they choose not to, they are considered Dark Money Groups. These groups are problematic because of the anonymity of their donors, coupled with the ability to accept unlimited contributions allows unscrupulous individuals to use them to pressure politicians in a way they could not do directly.

RAGA used its Dark Money funding to send a recorded call encouraging Trump supporters to go to the Capitol to demand that Congress block certification of the 2020 election, which Joe Biden won. “At 1 p.m., we will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” the robocall said. “We are hoping patriots like you will join us to continue to fight to protect the integrity of our elections.” A spokeswoman for Carr said the attorney general “unequivocally had no knowledge or involvement” in the robocall and “is working diligently to determine how this situation occurred and ensure that it does not happen again.”

Though Carr denies any connection to the call, he is among a growing chorus of activist attorney generals who have pledged their loyalty to Donald Trump. In a confounding conflict of interest, Carr’s job is to defend Georgia’s elections against court challenges. This conflict can be seen by the lawsuit filed by RAGA member Ken Paxton of Texas – who has been embroiled in bribery, abuse of office, and other criminal allegations – regarding four battleground states, including GA, and alleging unconstitutional changes to their voting laws before the 2020 election. The Supreme Court rejected Paxton’s lawsuit for lack of standing.

RAGA, RLDF, and Carr have distanced themselves from the carnage of the Electoral College Riot. RAGA released a statement blaming a rogue RLDF staff member for the group’s involvement in the rally and march stating, 

The Republican Attorneys General Association and Rule of Law Defense Fund had no involvement in the planning, sponsoring or the organization of Wednesday’s event, no Republican AG authorized the staff’s decision to amplify a colleague speaking at the event. Organizationally and individually, we strongly condemn and disavow the events which occurred.

Carr went a step further and called on the prosecution of those involved in the riot, the same people the group he leads refer to as patriots and urged to march on the Capitol only days earlier. 

About Genius Shuttlesworth

A graduate of Morgan State University with a degree in Political Science Genius Shuttlesworth, @TheFreshAddict, has a passion for politics, good music, and high fashion.

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