Kathy Hochul Sworn In As New York’s First Woman Governor

Kathy Hochul, a Democrat from Buffalo, was publically sworn in as New York’s first woman Governor on Tuesday morning after holding a private ceremony late Monday night. The newly elected official says she wants New Yorkers to “believe in their government again.”

The Governor has vowed to make “changing the culture of Albany” a priority. The sixty-three-year-old state leader plans to win back the trust of the people of New York by strengthening the state’s response to COVID-19 and providing aid to residents.

“I believe we can change the culture in Albany. This means accountability—and zero tolerance for individuals who cross the line,” tweeted Hochul. A new era of transparency will be one of the hallmarks of my Administration. This is our time.”

Governor Hochul steps in as former Governor Andrew Cuomo steps down. The disgraced politician resigned on August 10, 2021, after a five-month investigation conducted by the New York Attorney General for allegations of sexual harassment found that Governor Cuomo groped, kissed, and made suggestive comments to eleven women.

Hochul told Morning Joe Wednesday morning that she has cleaned house of staffers named in the Attorney General’s sexual harassment report.

“They know, I’m walkin’ the walk … I’ve surrounded myself with talented, young women, and I want them to be the role models to others,” she said. “It’s a culture where they’re going to be OK. You don’t have to look over your shoulder. You don’t have to worry about harassment.”

It is being reported that Hochul has chosen Brian A. Benjamin, a Democratic state senator from Harlem, to be her lieutenant governor. However, an official announcement has not been made yet.

Governor Hochul, who turns sixty-three this week, is New York States’s 57th Governor.

About RavenH

Raven Haywood is a journalist for 10+ years. Graduate from Howard University.

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