Lawsuits In Four States Dropped By Voters Who Sought To Disrupt Joe Biden’s Win

Federal courts in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania will no longer hear the longshot lawsuits brought on by voters who sought to disrupt Presidential-elect Joe Biden, CNN reported.

The group of plaintiffs decided to drop their cases on Monday after they were persuaded into a pro-Trump legal strategy plan with the intent to stop Biden’s presidential win prior to the Electoral College formalizing it.

It appears that some on the opposing side of Biden and Kamala Harris may be getting the picture that their efforts will most likely fail. Many of the cases brought on to block battleground states’ popular vote win for Biden were short-lived and lessened by the day.

Out of the four, two were brought on by Trump’s campaign team in Michigan and Pennsylvania, an elector from Georgia presented a case. One from a group of poll watchers in Michigan, CNN reports.

Last week a federal appellate court ruled that voters couldn’t bring forth some constitutional claims. This ended the case brought on by Pennsylvania voters.

And now, days after Election Day and the projected win of Biden, Trump still refuses to accept his loss. What’s worse is that he still continues to spread baseless claims of widespread voter fraud. Regardless of multiple judges throwing out ‘fraud” lawsuits due to no evidence, Trump will not give up.

These weak voter suits are just a flimsy strategy for Trump to hold on to his dreams of a second term, despite his loss being clear as day. Each suit alleged that their state’s election results should be reviewed, specifically referencing the mail-in ballots. Plaintiffs asked judges to invalidate or delay the election results prior to the Electoral College finalizing the winner. But these cases brought on my Trump supporters who suspected fraud and other disproven claims are just that, disproven, unsubstantiated, or based on a small number of votes that would not even reshape the outcome of the election results.

The lawsuits also admitted there was no election fraud-proof but went on to say “expert” reports may turn up illegal votes. “This evidence will be shortly forthcoming when the relevant official documents are final and available,” each of the lawsuits said in their initial filings last week. Unsurprisingly, the expert reports never materialized.

Attorneys representing the voters filed for voluntary dismissals, which will allow them to bring similar suits forward if they choose to do so in the future.

The lawsuits were supported by the nationally known and conservative attorney James Bopp, Jr. Bopp refused to give comments when asked why the cases were dropped, “because of [attorney-client] privilege and because I do not telegraph my next moves, I cannot comment.”

But Kristen Clarke, the executive director of the voting rights advocacy group the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, gave an ideal explanation. “There is no clear and coordinated strategy as these suits continue to crumble,” Clarke said in a statement. “These suits are part of a last-ditch attempt intended to promote chaos and discord while eroding public confidence in the outcome of our elections.”

On Friday, nine cases against Biden’s win were denied or dropped. And the Trump campaign lost six cases in two counties in Pennsylvania.

About Crystal Gross

A college graduate. Crystal is a paralegal working on her Masters Degree.

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