Trump Supporters Consider Boycotting Georgia Election

Some supporters of President Donald Trump are considering boycotting Georgia’s runoff election for Senate in January.

According to Politico, Trump’s consistent talks of Georgia’s voting system being rife with fraud has many of his supporters calling for a boycott of the process. Also, some supporters feel like the two current senators, Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue “are not only insufficiently pro-Trump, they may be complicit in Georgia’s electoral fraud.” The two senators, both Republicans have their fair share of criticism from both liberals and conservatives alike. While they both have been in lock-step with Trump and he is scheduled to visit Georgia next week to campaign for them, many on the right have been calling on them to publicly demand investigations into election fraud and publicly state their support for President Trump. By not doing so they have both seemed to draw the ire of lots of diehard Trump supporters.

Trump Campaign attorney Sidney Powell has been pushing baseless allegations accusing Loeffler of conspiring with a voting technology company in order to suppress the votes for her challenger in the Nov. 3rd election. Another Trump-affiliated lawyer, Lin Woods has called for Loeffler to drop out of the race and has been pressing Perdue to show more Trump loyalty. He has been tweeting to his followers to “threaten to withhold your votes and money”

On the other side, liberals are still sounding the alarm over some well-timed stock trades that both senators made after being briefed in private about the coronavirus back in January. All the while they were downplaying the threat in public. Both Loeffler and Perdue have denied any wrongdoing related to the trades. While allowed and not illegal, most Senators refrain from trading individual stocks to avoid the perception they are personally benefitting from official actions.

The January 5th runoff election sees Loeffler running against Rev. Raphael Warnock and Perdue against Jon Ossoff. These two seats will decide which party will control the Senate, with Democrats needing to win both seats to have a 50-50 tie in which Vice President-elect Harris would be the deciding vote. Georgia residents can register to vote in the election until December 7th.

About J. Williams

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