The Supreme Court has decided to review the Boston Marathon bomber’s death penalty case.
A lower court opinion has just been brought back to the forefront, suggesting the death penalty as a sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Tsarnaev is one of the brothers convicted in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. The attack led to three people being killed, and hundreds were injured.
According to CNN, Tsarnaev was ordered to spend the rest of his life in prison for “unspeakably brutal acts” last July. However, a federal appeals court also said that he should be given a new penalty phase trial due, saying there were jury selection problems that created an inability to properly screen jurors for bias.
While the consideration for the death penalty is being reviewed, the appeals maintained that “make no mistake” Tsarnaev “will spend his remaining days locked up in prison.
Tsarnaev’s horrific actions led to the killings of Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, and Lingzi Lu. Tsarnaev was convicted in 2015 for their deaths; he is currently being held in federal prison in Florence, Colorado. According to CNN, the Supreme Court will more than likely hear the case this year.
The outlet also reports the Trump administration urged the Supreme Court to chime in, highlighting the bombs “caused devastating injuries that left the street with a ravaged, combat-zone look” with “blood and body parts everywhere, littered among BBs, nails, metal scraps and glass fragments.”