Reps. Ken Buck and Kay Granger Announce They Won’t Seek Re-Election

Representatives Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado, and Kay Granger, a Republican from Texas, have both announced that they will not seek re-election in the upcoming year.

Their decisions come after a period of turmoil within the Republican conference, especially during the election of a new speaker of the House.

Buck, 64, has been serving in the House since 2015 and expressed his frustration with the Republican Party’s reliance on the false claims made by former President Donald Trump regarding the 2020 presidential election. He stated that he’s disappointed by the party’s refusal to confront the truth about the election and the events of January 6.

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Buck said, “I’ve decided, Andrea, I’m not going to seek re-election.” He emphasized the importance of dealing with the truth and not relying on false narratives.

He also pointed out that the 2024 election will be critical, both at the presidential level and in the House. While he has decided not to seek re-election, Buck clarified that he doesn’t plan to leave the Republican Party.

Kay Granger, 80, the chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, announced her decision to not seek re-election and expressed her desire for younger leaders to take on leadership positions in Washington. She stated, “It’s time for the next generation to step up and take the mantle and be a strong and fierce representative for the people.”

Granger’s district covers part of Fort Worth and its western suburbs, and she has been serving in the House since 1997. She also previously served as the mayor of Fort Worth.

Both Buck and Granger represent safe Republican districts, according to the Cook Political Report. They were among the House Republicans who voted to certify Joe Biden’s election in 2020, a position that differed from the 147 members of their conference who voted to overturn the election results.

Buck recently voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker, and he opposed Rep. Jim Jordan’s bid for speaker. Granger played a crucial role in blocking Jordan’s speaker bid as the only committee chairperson to consistently vote against him. She was part of a group of appropriators who formed the core of the anti-Jordan bloc.

The decisions by Representatives Ken Buck and Kay Granger not to seek re-election in the next year underscore the ongoing divisions within the Republican Party. Buck’s departure is noteworthy given his frustration with the party’s continued reliance on false claims about the 2020 election. This reflects the broader struggle within the GOP as it grapples with how to move forward after the Trump era.

While these retirements won’t change the balance of power in the House, they do highlight the challenges facing the Republican Party as it attempts to unify and define its direction heading into the 2024 election cycle.

About J. Williams

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