Pro-Trump Lawyer Wants Boycotts Against Senate Runoffs, Inciting MAGA Civil War In Georgia

Pro-Trump trial lawyer, L. Lin Wood, is encouraging a boycott against the senate runoffs, claiming that the elections are rigged. Wood is trying to discourage Georgia voters from voting for Senator David Perdue and Senator Kelly Loeffler. A source told POLITICO that President Donald Trump called the lawyer and told him to “knock it off.” The Republican party believes that a boycott will make them lose control of the U.S. senate.

“It’s one of the nuttier things I’ve seen in a long time in politics,” Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker said to POLITICO.

At a rally in Alpharetta, Georgia, Wood questioned why any voter would want to vote in another rigged election. Wood also mentioned that he had spoken to the president.

Wood’s remarks were met with criticism from conservatives like commentator Erick Erickson, who questioned Wood’s voting history. Breibart, a Trump-supporting website, made headlines blasting Wood for his past contributions to Democrats.

“Grift Wood: ‘MAGA’ Poseur Goes For Sabotage in Georgia,” a headline on Breitbart’s website reads.

On Saturday, President Trump will travel to Georgia to support Perdue and Loeffler. As Republicans try to gain unity, they fear that President Trump will deepen the divide with his conspiracy theories and electoral fraud claims.

According to POLITICO, a lawsuit was filed in August by three lawyers who worked with Wood – the lawyers say that in 2019 Wood began acting erratically, sending “abusive, incoherent phone calls, voicemails, texts, and emails.” According to the lawsuit, Woods’ behavior “continued to deteriorate, including assault and battery” against two of the lawyers named in the lawsuit.

“These young lawyers have chosen to willingly engage in a disgraceful and unprofessional effort to publicly attack me by including irrelevant, out-of-context private messages I sent to them in the midst of a difficult time in my personal life arising primarily from my family’s reaction to my faith in Jesus Christ,” Wood wrote on Twitter.

Lately, Wood’s Twitter page has become riddled with conspiracy theories and baseless electoral fraud claims.

“Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are totally destructive,” Gingrich wrote on Twitter.” Every Georgia conservative who cares about America MUST vote in the runoff.”


About RavenH

Raven Haywood is a journalist for 10+ years. Graduate from Howard University.

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