Marjorie Taylor Greene Racks Up $48,000 In Fines For Not Wearing Mask

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has received twenty fines totaling $48,000 due to violating House mask rules, according to a letter sent to the congresswoman by Sergeant at Arms William Walker and shared with CNN.

Walker sent a letter to Greene dated Oct. 28 informing her that she had received a $500 fine on May 19 for not wearing a mask in the Hall of the House of Representatives, and a $2,500 fine for 19 subsequent violations, totaling $48,000.

“You have been observed not wearing a mask on July 29, August 2, September 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, and October 1, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 27, and have been asked by a member of my staff to wear a mask while in the Hall of the House of Representatives on each occasion unless recognized to speak by the chair,” Walker wrote in the letter.

Walker wrote that he would be notifying the House Ethics Committee along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had issued a rule mandating masks for House lawmakers in May.

House Ethics Committee Chairman Ted Deutch and Ranking Member Jackie Walorski published a notice Monday informing Greene she was required to pay fines for four separate incidents in late September in which the congresswoman violated the House’s mask rules and did not appeal the violations.

When reached for comment, Greene called the mask policy “outrageous and unconstitutional” and said she would continue to disobey the House rule.

“I will continue my stand on the House floor against authoritarian Democrat mandates because I don’t want the American people to stand alone,” Greene said in a statement.

The House Ethics Committee also published a notice Monday informing Georgia Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde that he was required to pay fines for three mask violations in late September.

Both Greene and Clyde have been outspoken critics of the House mask rules, with Greene in particular repeatedly flouting the mask mandates. Greene also compared those enforcing vaccine mandates to Nazis, a comment for which she apologized.

House Democrats established a mask mandate in July 2020 because several Republicans refused to wear masks, including one who subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 after having contact with other lawmakers.


About J. Williams

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