Former President Donald Trump Is Suing Twitter, Google, and Facebook

President Donald Trump is suing Facebook, Twitter, Google, and the companies’ CEOs for banning and suspending his accounts on their platforms.

“Our case will prove this censorship is unlawful, it’s unconstitutional, and it’s completely un-American,” President Trump said.

Facebook suspended the former President’s account for two years, and Twitter permanently banned him from their app after the deadly January 6 terrorist attack at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.

The America First Policy Institute, a nonprofit organization aimed at promoting the former President’s policies, is backing the lawsuit.

The President wants to challenge Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. During his presidency, President Trump tried to repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The provision protects tech companies from being held legally accountable for the content that users post on their sites.

Chamber of Progress, a tech industry coalition devoted to a progressive society, economy, workforce, and consumer climate, pushed back at the former President and his lawsuit.

“Right-wing extremists are turning to the courts because their own platforms have collapsed after becoming anything-goes dumping grounds for hate, hoaxes, and pornography,” Adam Kovacevich, Chamber of Progress CEO, said. “Now they want to turn Facebook and Twitter into another cesspool for extremism.”

Deputy Director of the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, Paul Barrett believes that President Trump “has the First Amendment argument exactly wrong” and that the lawsuit is “DOA.”

“The First Amendment applies to government censorship of speech regulation. It does not stop private-sector corporations from regulating content on their platforms. In fact, Facebook and Twitter themselves have a First Amendment free speech right to determine what speech their platforms project and amplify —and that right includes excluding speakers who incite violence, as Trump did in connection with the January 6 Capitol insurrection,” Barrett said.

A bill that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis passed in May to fine social media companies for banning state politicians has been blocked by a judge.

NetChoice and Computer and Communications Industry Association sued Florida over DeSantis’ legislation. The two tech trade groups say that the bill violates First Amendment rights.

About RavenH

Raven Haywood is a journalist for 10+ years. Graduate from Howard University.

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