Congress Affirms Biden’s Win

After a vicious attack at the U.S. Capitol, Members of Congress affirmed Joe Biden‘s presidential win. Republicans intended to dispute electoral college votes in several states. After supporters of President Trump savagely attacked the Capitol, GOP Senators only challenged two states, Arizona and Pennsylvania, instead of the six to eight …

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Opinion: Whiteness Can I Get a Witness: Trump Supporters Storm The Capital Over Trumped Up Voter Fraud Claims

Capitol Riots

At around 2:30 PM on January 6th, during what would typically be a perfunctory Electoral College vote count, the procedure turned into chaos. 30 minutes earlier, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared, “I will vote to respect the American people’s decision and defend our system of government.. I will not put …

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Jon Ossoff Wins Georgia Runoff

Democrat Jon Ossoff won the senate seat in the Georgia runoff, giving Democrats control of the United States Senate. “It is with great humility that I thank the people of Georgia for electing me to serve you in the United States Senate,” Ossoff said. Ossoff was chosen over Republican David …

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Opinion: Black to Normal 2021: How the No Charges Verdict for The Jacob Blake Case Shows How Little Progress Was Made After The Racial Reckoning of 2020

  At 4:17pm, on January 5th, 2021, MSNBC broke from it’s 24/7 coverage of the Georgia Runoff and growing crowds to protest the electoral college coronation of Joe Biden in DC, to announce BREAKING NEWS. The Kenosha, Wisconsin police officers who shot Jacob Blake  seven times in the back will not …

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Capitol Chaos: 2 Bombs found, 4 Dead, 52 Arrested

Capitol Riots

“We will never give up. We will never concede,” Donald Trump bellowed to his faithful followers, “We will stop the steal!”. As the crowd showered the lame-duck Republican President with the adoration he so craves, he added more fuel on their unfounded embers of rage, “We will not let them …

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Raphael Warnock Wins Georgia Senate Special Election

Reverend Raphael Warnock has defeated incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler in the Georgia Senate special election. Ebenezer Baptist Church’s senior pastor in Atlanta was elected on Tuesday to be the first Black senator from Georgia. This win puts Democrats one seat away from control of congress and is a repudiation of …

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Diverse 117th Congress Includes QAnon Supporters

United States Capitol

As mandated by the US Constitution, on January 3rd at noon, a new Congress was convened. A global pandemic couldn’t stop one of the United States oldest traditions, and as the clock struck twelve, the 117th Congress was brought to order. For many, the process will be familiar territory. But …

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